The Don State Public Library (Rostov-on-Don)
The Don State public library is the central library of the Rostov region, the oldest book depository of the South of Russia. The Library is the largest among the central libraries of subjects of the Russian Federation. The founder of the Library is the Ministry of culture of Rostov region. The library was founded on January 7, 1886. In the course of its history the Library has gone through many transformations. In the beginning it was called “Rostov public library”, then – “Rostov state public library named after K. Marx”, “The book Depository named after K. Marx”, “The Don public library named after K. Marx”, “North-Caucasus state library named after K. Marx”, “Azov-Black Sea regional library”, “Rostov state scientific library named after K. Marx”, “Rostov regional scientific library named after K. Marx”, and since 1992- the Don State public library. Today it is a modern informational, social and cultural center of the region, a resource center in the system of support for municipal libraries and a center for continuing education of library professionals.
Manuscripts of this collection:
Проект выполняется при поддержке Российского Научного Фонда, проект № 22-18-00295 «Электронная библиотека арабографичных рукописей из архивных, библиотечных, музейных и частных собраний России»