All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature named after M.I. Rudomino (Moscow)
Moscow library, specializing in literature in foreign languages. It started with a collection of 100 books in German, French and English. State library for foreign literature has existed since 1924; before — Neophilological library (library of the Neophilological Institute from 1922). Since 1975, the profile of the library includes fiction, foreign literature on the Humanities, arts, foreign countries and reference publications. In 1974, the fund of rare books was allocated from the general fund of the Library, and now this fund contains more than 41 thousand rare editions. The research department of rare books keeps, in particular, old-printed books (8701 copies), including 22 incunabula and 527 paleotypes.
Manuscripts of this collection:
Проект выполняется при поддержке Российского Научного Фонда, проект № 22-18-00295 «Электронная библиотека арабографичных рукописей из архивных, библиотечных, музейных и частных собраний России»