The State Universal Scientific Library of Krasnoyarsk region

The library's collection includes more than 4 million documents. These are books, magazines, newspapers, maps, patents, notes, records, audio books, movies and electronic publications on CD and DVD. Books on local history and local publications (more than 100 thousand units of storage), pre-revolutionary Siberian newspapers and magazines, periodicals of the Yenisei province and Krasnoyarsk region are fully presented. The library offers literature in 60 languages – more than 50 thousand books and periodicals. The collection of Krasnoyarsk bibliophile G. V. Yudin is distinguished from the extensive rare funds. Source:


Проект выполняется при поддержке Российского Научного Фонда, проект № 22-18-00295 «Электронная библиотека арабографичных рукописей из архивных, библиотечных, музейных и частных собраний России»